Friday, January 27, 2017

Small Kindling for a New Flame - Erica and Judith

Judith walks off the ferry to meet her daughter Erica at the terminal. As discussed, Erica is child free and driving she and her mother to a dinner of their own. The two woman embrace as Judith approaches and then Judith steps back and bounces the bottom of Erica’s new haircut on the flat of her hand. Erica looks like a younger version of her mothering many ways except for the very pronounced map of freckles splashed across her face. Those are from her father’s side and skipped a generation even. She has chestnut brown hair in a curled under bob and is wearing a black v-neck t shirt, a light grey cardigan and skinny grey jeans with little black ballet flats. Judith is wearing her brown knee high lace up boots over brown leggings and a light green sweater dress with a pretty scarf.

“Back to the short. I like it.”

Erica rolls her eyes and smiles looking at her mother’s own similar haircut “You may be a little biased, but thanks. New job, new cut.” The smile fades instantly at the words new job.

Judith catches the facial expression and makes a note to come back to the job topic over dinner. “What are you hungry for Erica? I was thinking Thai food myself.”

Erica smiles “You always know where to go. Just plug the address into my Google map app. It’s nice to go out on our own. Haven’t done this in a long time.” She unlocks her phone and hands it over to her mother.

Judith smiles and nods as she keys in the restaurant name “Too long. This one’s called Leela and its right in White Rock. Untested by me so there’s the disclaimer.”

Erica wiggles her eyebrows “Fooding with the foodie. Come on hop in and we’ll see if it measures up.”

It’s a short drive and a short wait to a table and the two women are seated with menus and pouring over them.

Judith runs her finger slowly through one section as she squints a little at the menu. The lighting is terribly dim. “You guys are still doing the gluten free thing right?”

Erica inhales audibly with irritation “It’s not a thing, it’s an intolerance.”

Judith looks up kindly “Alright, you know your body. Have you seen a doctor about it?”

Erica folds her arms and looks squarely at her mother “I went to a naturopathic doctor. Have YOU seen a doctor recently?”

Judith smiles wryly “Point taken. I just worry about you honey.”

“I’m fine mom. And Thai works well for gluten free. They have lots of rice noodles. We should get Pad Thai in the mix.”

It dawns on Judith that Erica knows her buttons and is carefully steering her back to food to cease the medical conversation but she does love food and complies “Pad Thai is always the benchmark for a good Thai place, so yes. And some of those summer rolls with the peanut sauce…..and a curry… vote is green.”

Erica finds the green curry on the menu and notices her mother squinting again “Did you forget your glasses Mom?” She teases and then reads “The options are tofu, chicken and prawn.”

Judith huffs but smiles “They make me look like such an old lady. And I’m assuming tofu with the Pad Thai so let’s do prawn…..mmm you know what, chicken.”

Erica shrugs “Either is fine with me. But I’m amazed you’d choose anything over seafood.”

Judith looks neither here nor there about it “I’ve had a lot of seafood lately so chicken tonight.”

The waitress is very on the ball and is at their table almost as soon as the menus close, taking the order and pouring them jasmine tea in tiny mugs. She leaves the short metal pot on the table.

Erica looks at her mother curiously “Had a lot as opposed to made a lot? Does that mean you’re getting out more?”

Judith resists the urge to blurt out everything at once about why and says “Yes. Yes I have been. And it’s been very nice.”

Erica nods “Well good for you. Are you going to Mexico with Connie again this year?”

Judith shakes her head “Well we haven’t talked about it. I did love it though. I’m not sure what I’m doing with my spring break week. It’s kind of why I wanted to talk to you alone.”

Erica holds up a hand “Mom, I can see where you’re going with this, but there’s no way in hell I can get time off that fast for a trip. In fact I was going to beg you to take Maisy again because that damned daycare closes for the week because it’s in the school. I can sign Penny up for another riding camp though and she’ll love it. Jeff might get one or two days off then but certainly not all five.”

Judith smiles and sighs “I wasn’t asking you all to take a trip with me. And I’m glad it won’t be all five days, as much as I love having Maisy. You know I’ll help. Erica, I’ve met someone.”

Erica blinked hard over her tiny cup of tea and then sputtered “You….mean…a man, like romantically?”

Judith chuckles “Yes, a man, like romantically. His name is Hank Stanley and we met online. Connie talked me into one of those sites.”

Erica set her tea down and rotated it on the table between her pointer finger and thumb. She looked stressed out by the whole idea “How long has this been going on?”

Judith saw her daughter’s reaction and looked dismayed, but explained “Not very long. We started messaging just after New Years. I know it’s crazy, but we just clicked. He’s wonderful and kind Erica, and funny. I’d really like you to meet him.”

Erica took another sip of her tea and looked away and out the window “Since New Years? Well you can’t have been out that many times? Mom, I don’t want to put a damper on your excitement about dating again but maybe wait it out before introducing the family. That’s not even a month.”

Judith sighs “I know the timing. Our connection has been very intense for the amount of time it’s been. His work schedule is odd. He’s a fire Department Chief so he gets bits of time off in shorter spurts. We make the most of it….I can’t explain why but from the moment I met Hank, it was just instant chemistry.”

Erica’s eyebrows go up “Make the MOST of it? Instant chemistry? Mom….you haven’t….” She starts to ask anxiously but the waitress comes back with the summer rolls and she stops herself.

Both women are completely gracious to the waitress, betraying none of the tension between them at all.

Judith does finish her daughter’s question right after she leaves “Slept with him? Yes I have. I didn’t plan on it happening fast like that, but it felt right and he’s wonderful that way too. He didn’t use me and leave me either so it’s not like that. We care about each other a lot Erica.”

Erica rolls her eyes “Well he’s not going to leave if he’s still getting some. Please tell me you used condoms. Sex has changed Mom. It’s scary out there.”

Judith looks annoyed now “He’s not just with me for THAT. And not that those details are any of your business, but we’re both clean. We even took an HIV test on our first date.”

“On your FIRST DATE? What the hell kind of a date was your first date? Did Connie sign you up for Tinder? Was it just a hook up?” Erica looks incredulously at her mother.

Judith’s jaw tenses “It was not Tinder…or a” She does quotes in the air as she repeats back “a hook up” and then drops her hands to her lap and leans forward “We met on the ferry and went for dinner and then spent intimate time together because we just felt that connected. I know it’s a lot to take in and not what you’re used to from me, but I need you to keep an open mind. Please.”

Erica leans back, folds her arms and looks up like she’s seeking some sort of divine intervention. Then she snaps her gaze back to her mother “When I met Jeff, if I had said we met and slept together the same day, you would have been terrified for me. Please understand my perspective. I don’t want to deny you happiness. I just don’t want to see you get hurt. I’ve seen enough of you in pain for one lifetime Mom.”

Judith softens “I know honey, I know. Hank is also a widower. He’s been through a lot himself and I feel nothing but support and adoration coming from him about what I’ve gone through. He has three grandchildren who he loves to bits. He’s not just some guy from the internet.”

The food arrives and the waitress looks at the untouched summer rolls in confusion “Is everything OK?” She asks as she sets down the other dishes.

Erica awkwardly nods “Yes, sorry. We were distracted by conversation.” She takes a summer roll to her plate and some peanut sauce and then passes them to her mother for her to do the same.

Judith smiles apologetically “I’m sure they’re lovely. Everything smells wonderful. Thank you so much.”

The waitress goes and they silently plate up their shared food and eat a bit, unsure where to begin the conversation again until Judith decides to take a break from the tense topic and ask about something else “So how’s the new job?”

Erica puts down her fork and bursts into tears unexpectedly “I hate it. I absolutely hate it there.”

Judith looks concerned and reaches across the table to take Erica’s hand “Oh honey…”

Erica continues to talk through her sobs but they calm as she goes “The staff is gossipy and backstabbing and competitive. I feel like they hate me as their new hotel manager and they’re rebelling against me. The restaurant manager takes bookings and doesn’t tell me so we’ve had two scheduling catastrophes that I ended up taking the blame for. The home daycare was a relief to give up but I would give anything to go back to it now…maybe that’s not true. I wanted conversation with adults. I wanted to problem solve about more than sippy cups and fights over toys. I guess I am, and these overgrown children just have more colourful language. And I miss working with Jeff. I should never have let that post go. I mean he doesn’t love it where he is either but he also doesn’t hate it. I don’t know what to do now Mom.” She lets go of her mother’s hand and blows her nose in her napkin and then wipes her face and takes a bit of food “This isn’t bad Pad Thai…” She laughs about her outburst “Sorry…”

Judith shakes her head “Don’t be. You shouldn’t keep all that in. My god.” She takes a bit of Pad Thai as well to confirm or deny and nods slowly “Mmm….yes not bad.” She has a critical tone about it but this is not the time “Erica, keep your head down and scan the job postings. Don’t stay in misery.”

Erica takes a cleansing sip of tea “I was out of the field for years though, inconsistently back in after Penny and then out again. I feel like I need to reference from this place if I can stand it long enough to get one. I mean it’s the Waterfront right?”

Judith snorts “Yes it has a good name for anyone who doesn’t know what it’s like to work for them. What about some of the hotels in smaller areas. There’s that Mariner’s chain. I stay with them in Alexandra. The staff seems very happy and relaxed and…consistent. Not a lot of turnover is a sign of a happy work place. Incidentally, Hank lives in Alexandra.”

Erica nods about the consistency “Yeah. He’s the Fire Chief in Great Aunt Martha’s town? Oh shit…” She actually cracks her first smile in relation to Hank “And he still wanted to go out with you?”

Judith laughs “Yes! See? He is a good man. And they all adore Martha there. Apparently she flirts with all the men in the town, especially the uniformed ones.”

Erica laughs now “Go Martha!” And then she gets serious again “Mom, I’m sure he’s nice. I’m just not ready to see you with anyone who’s not…I know it’s been seven years….” She trails off looking out the window.

Judith looks kindly at her daughter “Dad? I know. No one can replace him honey. I don’t want Hank to and he doesn’t want that either. He gets it. When you’re ready, I’d love for you to meet him. But I won’t push you OK? I love you.”

Erica blinks, trying not to cry again, in a restaurant and nods with a quiet “Thank you. I love you too.”

Girls, Gams and a Good Gab - Philomena, Rose and Judith

Philomena Kenner comes and sits after placing her order its noon and all ready she is wearing down " Rose I am so Glad The kid is away at grandmas till we get the Mayors House ready Mayor Cisero just let the place go to hell over the years. and i need to check for any lead paint and stuff.

Doctor Song " he was a total hermit hoarder type I have often wonder how many people are under the foundation."

Judith Baldwin walks through the doors looking thankful for her break. She recognizes the purple hair and says "Hi Rose." And smiles kindly to the woman she has not met "Good afternoon, almost..." She laughs a little "Going to see if they have any good muffins. May I join you ladies after?"

 Philomena Kenner: Oh Hello , I'm Philomena Kenner Mayor Kenner's wife Grab a Muffin and come sit with us."

Doctor Song Hey Judith Muffins are fresh and warm come and sit with us.

Judith beams "Oh house nice to meet you finally Philomena." She smirks at them both and says sideways with her hand beside her cheek "I did vote for him you know." She heads to the counter to order food.

Philomena Kenner Oh Thank You for your Vote on behalf of my Guy.

Doctor Song Don't have the Little Princess today? she was the cutest little thing .

Judith returns with her coffee and muffin after paying "You're welcome. And no Maisy today." She sits down and explains to Philomena "I'm Judith. I teach at the school. Maisy is my two year old granddaughter. I'll get her again on a break as their daycare has closures with the school breaks, and probably a weekend soon too. She has a six year old sister too...but our Penny's a busy girl now. It's all horses all the time."

Philomena Kenner " ah 6 year olds and Horses My Oldest Trevor was all about Horses too at that age Now he's all about video games."

Doctor Song Ah I met Little Luther but not Trevor, He in Boarding school back in England with Trevon's Dad?" Rose sighs " I just have my twin niece and nephew I didn't get to see them as babies in a weird way I miss that.".

 Judith Baldwin beams "Oh all the ages are fun Rose. What part of England are you folks from Philomena?" She sips at her coffee now.

Philomena Kenner Oh My Family's From here in Theta Originally from Montego Bay Jamaica But Mom moved here when she was recording in Vancouver , , Now Trevon's mom Lives here in Vancouver but his dad is In Chester England and has an accountancy there. That's where father and son are being schooled at the coal Hill academy. "

Doctor Song sips her coffee and then states" I cant have any biological kids due to some issues i have medically but some days when i look at all the wee ones i think oh i would so love to have one to care for ."

Judith Baldwin smiles at Philomena "Well that sounds lovely, but you must miss your boy." She turns her gaze to Rose "Perhaps you'll get some grandchildren to dote on when they're small. I'd say it's almost more fun.....and you can hand them back when they pitch a  fit."

Philomena Kenner " You can borrow mine ," don't get me wrong I miss them daily But with my oldest needing a disciplined environment and the house not being ready yet I figure its better for them to Party with grandparents than sleep in a guest room at the lodge." "and Rose Honey You just need to get a B.O.B.. or teach that boyfriend of yours how to take care of you and your "ISSUES"."

Doctor Song "What! huh ?" she turns beet red at the mention of adult stuff." Ok Just because I don't make out in public don't mean... Ok Ok sighs sex hurts me ."

Judith Baldwin looks delighted by Philomena "You remind me of my friend Connie." She laughs "In a good way." She looks sympathetically at Rose "I know I don't know you very well....but there are some products that could help you...unless it's like a need to see a doctor type issue? Hopefully this boyfriend you have is kind and patient."

Philomena Kenner " Well girl Kids don't grow on trees you want rugrats you gotta do the horizontal mambo. I hear the place in Alexandra does mail order and they have a de-sensitizing gel you might try that if things are painful, Or is it the OTHER kinda Painful cause if it is talking can help . and you got me to talk to."

Doctor Song starts to cry and catches herself. It happened a long time ago . , sorry Judith, I didn't mean to tell you my life story. But Phil's right i need to get it out and resolved. I'm really In love with Leo , Elektra Matsouka's dad but lately he seems distant. because i wont go to third base. "

 Judith Baldwin has nothing but kindness for this woman's pain "No it's OK. Don't be alone with this. If Leo's a good man, maybe he's afraid to push you before you're ready. And there's no harm in taking as long as you need." She frowns and eats a bit of her muffin. The world was cruel to nice people sometimes and it wasn't fair. She looks at Philomena, glad Rose has such a good friend.

Philomena Kenner So Your a 54 Year old Virgin," ? "gawd Girl I so hope not."

Doctor Song " oh heck no just since the bombing and the shrapnel scars on my legs and lower bits I just can't let anyone see that Its so ugly and red."

Judith Baldwin sighs "Rose, love makes people see you as a whole person, a beautiful person, despite all that. I've.....well I've fallen madly in love with a man who has some very extreme scarring from burns. He's a fireman. But I don't see the burns...well I do but how to say it. I see the burns but not as something to turn away from, but as just part of Hank. Does this Leo say he loves you?"

Philomena Kenner When I first got with Trevon It was awkward but then all he had to do was look into my eyes and say the 3 magic words and then it was wonderful."

Doctor Song " I'm Just scared that he will freak out When the bomb went off when i was in Kosovo i was 2 to 4 months Pregnant and very much in love with one of my Brothers in arms . I lost him and Lost the baby when the shock wave threw me into the wall divider. it saved my life but also took it away."

Judith Baldwin's heart goes out to Rose even more than before  "That is a huge horrible load to work through dear. Does Leo know?" She looks between Rose and Philomena.

Philomena Kenner " As for Leo Loving You, Girlfriend You know he does its all I ever here Him talk to Trevon about You really should just show and tell Rose, He loves you don't be surprised if he pops thee question. "

Doctor Song " He tells me i am special and important to him, maybe he said he loves me i get frightened . but i guess if i loved him i must show him i just hope he don't back away."

Judith Baldwin smiles warmly "Talk first. Tell him your fears.  And don't feel like you have to do anything. If you love each other, that will happen when it's the right time for both of you.....not to natter.....just be kind to yourself Rose."

 Philomena Kenner Yeah What she said Listen I got an Idea when we get the Mayors House repaired lets have a house party invite you ,Leo and Judith here and her guy ." and maybe you can wear a shorter gown that hints at the scars a little and see his reaction and this way we all can be there for support. if you want"

Doctor Song Ok but fair warning they are not attractive. and the scars make my legs look plastic and hairless. nice for shaving but um well yes that is half hairless."

 Judith Baldwin can't help but giggle "How short are you suggesting Philomena? Putting your dear friend on the spot. I would happily come to a party and get to know you all better. Hank has an odd work schedule so I'll have to see if he's free. And Rose, our bodies are what they are. Love yourself. I'm glad, despite the horrors, that you survived it all."

Philomena Kenner I wanna put her in a Starfleet short mini skirt from the original series , " she laughs" But i know you would not go there rose so i purpose a inch below the knee model. kinda play peek a boo with it. and you know i am a former model so yeah we can fix the look of the scars."

Doctor Song cries a little Thank you both I just hope Leo with stick with me, I love him a lot , My kids love him and Bat is just like my twins sibling . now a days , she even spends the night so much we gave her her own room."

Judith Baldwin giggles at Philomena "Well that would get a man's attention for sure." She gestures down at her own skirt "I'm still a fan of the short even if some people might think I'm too old." She looks at Rose "I would hope that he is the kind of man who will love you properly as a person, as well as the package you present in. If he's that connected with the children, it's a good sign...and speaking of children, and yours...I have classes to teach and I should be off to them. It was very nice to meet you Philomena, and Rose, if you need another ear, just seek me out. I'm a good listener if you need one. It's a small town but I'll give you my cell. My house is the one with the red door by the shopping strip." She quickly writes down her number and passes it across before grabbing her take out coffee cup to take along back to work.

Philomena Kenner Thanks Judith It was a real Treat to Meet you , You have a perfect day . "

Doctor Song " Likewise Judith I will call you Thank You both for all the support . " I feel a lot stronger now and yes I will wear a peek a boo. dress." She giggles.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Theta Coffee RP Jan 4 2017 - Rose, Ase, Malik, Wolf, Judith and Maisy

Malik Ayim saunters into a coffee shop with a small bag in his hand,  he stops behind the blond man.  "Well, I did not expect to see you here, Wolfgang."

Ase Sjong " Lokii went for a swim new years eve and he wasn't alone he said ."

Judith Baldwin walks in carrying her small granddaughter in her arms and hoists her up on her hip "Grandma just needs a little coffee Sweetie....then we can go to the playground again." Maisy looks around the coffee shop and at all the people with wide curious eyes.

Doctor Song " He did what exactly and with who?!" she says surprised.

Wolfgang.Pots just looks around as he is given a paper to sign 'ill be damned.. i though it was a joke 'he shrugs and picks up the paper and reads it .. all businesslike.. scanning the paper before look up at Malik 'well ill be damned , what you doing here , you rascal ' he swears just the little kid walks by him .. 'oh shoot , dang I'm sorry .. he looks down at the cute girl "hi there Sug. " he smiles down at the girl .

Ase Sjong "Um he dove in at midnight to "save" some old lady that jumped in the water polar bear style he swears he was trying to save her ." Åse see's the little one and her face just lights up Mrs. Baldwin is that your grand kid she's a doll."

Malik Ayim grins at the little girl.  "Jambo."  he rumbles nd then looks at Wolf.  "I'm getting a gift for ...  a friend ... my landlord..."  he shrugs, ALMOST casually.  "What are you doing here?  Not buying more things for my mother?  She's busy preparing me for work."  he motions to his suit.  High quality and the tie is decidedly Africanesque.  Definately Zuri's son.  He hears the other conversion, but is too polite to even look in that direction.

Judith Baldwin is trying to put cream and sugar in her coffee now while Maisy grabs all the sugar packets and tries to line them up on the counter. She laughs and sets the child down "Stay right there Maisy..." realizing she can't actually do this one handed. She smiles at the two men and then looks back to her student for a second, a second "Oh yes she's.....Maisy!"

Maisy.Russell  feels the floor beneath and her impulsively takes off gleefully across the room to the couches where others are sitting. She hides behind one of the couches and giggles like she's tricked her grandmother.

Doctor Song "hi there" oh wait your hiding right?" shhh we wont tell " she says to the adorable munchkin.

Wolfgang.Pots  crouches down to the kids level making funny faces at the kid then uses the floor to sign the waiver and stands up to hand it 'can i have my dad gum coffee .. please 'he say to the attendant 'make it damn strong 'he say softly so the little kid cant hear him.. he turns to Malik ' ummmm welll I wont say I'm buying stuff for her.. then .. 'eh say winking and laughs 'oh your landlord .. that sounds mighty nice of ya "

Ase Sjong "Giggles at the kid hiding at the couches ,George super size the coffees we have to do the wavers with the quads we had an elderly guy order one and he ended up in the hospital a bit of a mess legally so its a CYA measure but we also comp you the first cup's refill.

Malik Ayim watches the child sort of go off.  "She is very fast to be so small."  he murmurs, actually amazed the kid can move THAT fast. He watches Wolf and shakes his head.  "I can say I am the Canadian Prime Minister, that does not make it true, right?"  he smiles and looks down a bit. "He is ... very special to me."  he confesses in a slightly muted tone.  "But ...  I ... think ... maybe ... MAYBE I understand you and my mother...."  he keeps his eyes averted.

Judith Baldwin turns around, knowing exactly where Maisy is but playing along. She smiles knowingly at the adults for a second and then walks around slowly "Where's Maisy?" She asks to the room, pretending to not know.

Maisy.Russell  smiles at the woman who played along at first, giggled at the faces made and then tries to crawl under the couch when she hears her grandmother and gets a little stuck. She quickly starts to look frustrated and then, unable to move either way, begins to just suddenly wail.

Doctor Song "uh oh are you stuck little one can i help you?" she says not wanting to scare the child further as she knows she is a stranger.

Wolfgang.Pots turns to George .. 'i was an officer in a submarine.. for months on end.. strong as coffee is the only way i stay sane and awake 'he laughs 'but yeah i understand with the waiver ' he nods and turns to Malik 'is that right.. 'he smiles chuckling reading the grin knowing .. 'nice arrangement 'he beams . and goes to pat his son back .. hard if he does 'that's my boy 'he laugh s 'you rascal ' . he turns as he hear the cry 'aw poor little rugrat .. she okay 'eh say concern his parental instincts kicking in high gear.. but he forces himself to not go running and scooping up the little girl .. an effort that takes ever fiber of his being 'when you giving me one of those 'he jokes to Malik

Ase Sjong gets up and checks on Maisy talking softly in calm tones and gently helps her out "all fixed and and makes a wave like she's sprinkling fairy dust to make it all better like her mom used to do with her when she was that age.

Malik Ayim chuckles at the interaction between his father and the clerk.  He turns a little darker with a blush and shrugs.  "Well I don't think Sydney will give me any children for you to spoil rotten."  he tells his father looking at the little girl across the room.  "When I hid from my mother like that, and cried .. she would find me and hug me ... then smack me .. then hug me .. then .. smack me."  he laughs.  "You know my mother."  black mama syndrome.

Judith Baldwin dashes over and sets down her coffee and purse on the floor and scoops Maisy into her arms, sitting half cross legged on the floor. She sighs at Ase "Thank you...." And then looks down to her granddaughter "You're OK..." and rocks her a bit.

Maisy.Russell  had looked a little terrified when the teen helped her out but her grandmother's waiting arms helped her not totally scream her head off. She quietly cries, now, with her bottom lip sticking out and her face screwed up. It's terribly sad but very cute.

Doctor Song surveys the scene quietly glad the little one isn't hurt but is taken with the pouty face and the tears " would she like a C-U-P-C-A-K-E ?" she asks Judith.

Wolfgang.Pots  looks at Malik oddly 'is Sydney in.. 'he trails off knowingly 'well guess its be all on Hani.. but that be ages.. cuz he just kid himself so .. 'he sighs looking a bit longingly at the wee kid despite the wailing 'well cant pour spilled milk back into the bottle 'he shrug and takes his coffee sipping it just watching the kid sternly but it warms it an interested smile.

Ase Sjong Is just glad the little one's ok but looks at her aunt with curious eyes as she watches her aunt interact with her teachers grand kid.

 Malik Ayim nods, slowly.  "Yes ... HE is ...."  he swallows.  "You are not angry?"  he looks t the child, feeling a little bad he isn't in a heterosexual relationship.  "Hani ... yea ... he probably wants to wait to make sure the zombies don't come."

Judith Baldwin looks down at the pouty little face she can barely resist and muses "Erica always asks me not to give them too much sugar....but I'm watching her for a few more hours....." She smiles "That would probably do the trick." She says chuckling at both women. Judith glances over at the men for a moment with curiosity. They're not locals and their conversation seems very intense from an outsider's view, not argumentative, just serious. She gives them a little smile and smooths Maisy's hair.

Maisy.Russell's tears had stopped but the pout looked stuck. It was almost picture worthy. She turned into her grandmother and tugs on her necklace casually, examining it.

Doctor Song: me grabs a small carrot cake child sized with not to much sugars- with pretty decorations. and walks over to the child her eyes just sparkling . " I cannot have Children but I have adopted two wonderful teens and adoption is a great thing."

Wolfgang.Pots  looks at him smiling 'why would i be angry as long as the dude doesn't become a peckerwood and hurt you .. then ill live 'he laughs softly 'other wise .. ill kick his ass myself 'he say warning . he looks at the kid sighing ' well Hani's a kid but he say he don't want kids.. .. he gettin over the zombie phase and preparing for another way for the world to end .. but he say he don't want them and they'll only slow him down 'he exhale 'but hes 14 . barely 14 this past Christmas .. he a kid himself so who knows 'he say half hopefully 'but if not ill be happy as long as you and him are Hani now matter what life you choose to live.. 'eh say softly 'as long as you ain't hurting anyone... that don't want that 'he laugh softly .. 'I'm a young buck but i think but that ship has sailed .. 'he laughs

 Ase Sjong yeah Adoption is a good thing I ended up with a great aunt who is a cool mom.

Malik Ayim smiles at the beloved threat, feeling very warm inside.  Then he laughs about his brother.  "There is always something that makes people think the world will end.  I will try and talk to him." then he arches his brows.  "Please  I am too old for another younger sibling."  he looks at the little girl.  "Maybe if things keep going well, Sydney and I can adopt a baby for you to spoil rotten."  he offers with a half serious chuckle.

Judith Baldwin looks sympathetically at the kind purple haired woman "Nature does not always cooperate, but it sounds like life brought you what you needed, all of you. I was very blessed and am again with Maisy and her sister. Penelope is off at horseback ridding winter camp so I have this one so my daughter can work." She unwraps the cupcake "Thank you for this....small bites Maisy Mouse..."

 Maisy.Russell sees the cupcake with big eyes. There is no grandma, no other people, no coffee shop, only cupcake. Vaguely she hears her name as she grabs a fistful of cupcake and stuffs it in her little mouth, wearing a great deal of it immediately on her face and shirt.

Doctor Song " as i say New Year new chapter in your autobiographies" she says matter of factly.

Wolfgang.Pots  laughs soflty 'just let him live.. he is a kid .. that doesn't happen for much longer let. him dream.. helll find out soon.. hell if i know .. every so often somebody predicts gloom an doom but the world keeps spinning . 'he laughs 'if he wants if you want to.. it's your lives 'he smiles

Ase Sjong tries not to intrude on the men's convo but is intrigued about all the zombie talk mixed in with the doom and gloom.

Malik Ayim is half watching the little girl with a grin. Then he glances at Wolf.  "He is enjoying his childhood.  And his friend thinks like he does.  But both were raised in America.  I think that is why they are sure it will all end badly."  he shrugs.  "And maybe.  She is very cute .. but so was I and mama tells me I am STILL a terror." he chuckles.  He is afraid to approach the little girl so tiny and cute, and he is a giant.  But he watches her amused.

Judith Baldwin laughs at Maisy and digs in her purse for wipes "Yes new chapters for everyone...." She dabs at Maisy's hands and grabs them to wipe them a bit, glancing at the student she knows and the woman "I'm Judith. I know Ase but not you. We're just here for a few before the playground...."  She looks briefly towards the men since she can hear parts of their conversation without meaning to.

Maisy.Russell  finds her hands being wiped and face plants into the rest of the cupcake eating the rest in a crumble of middle down the shirt and icing right up to the eyeballs.

Wolfgang.Pots  laughs 'i was right little monster my ma said but yeah ... thought i didn't want kids for a bit .. 'eh laughs 'but looks at me a dad of a 14 year old proper and a grown man with in the year apart 'eh laughs watching her 'but I'm still as proud as if you were that age right now 'he point at the little girl 'i can imagine you run around .. 'he sighs softly 'but I'm just happy that I'm your father.. and Hani 'he smiles at him

 Åse looks a bit mortified as if she was expected to get married and pregnant like her ancestors used to do as soon as the plumbing started working."

Malik grins and pats Wolf's back. "You get your coffee. I need to get back to White Rock."

Judith Baldwin looks down at Maisy as it gets even messier "You might just need a bath and a new shirt Maisy Mouse.....I think some of it went in though. Thank you Rose. It's very nice to meet you."

Maisy.Russell  just looks messy and happy to stay that way. The word bath makes her give Grandma a defiant look. Those are terrible. Before she can even squawk she gets scooped up and carried out.

Life in the coffee shop carries on with many more vignettes of the locals and tourists.